# Snippets

Small, copy-pastable AssemblyScript examples using common syntax and patterns.

# Class

An AssemblyScript snippet on using Classes, their instantiation, and their static properties.

class Animal<T> {
  static ONE: i32 = 1;
  static add(a: i32, b: i32): i32 { return a + b + Animal.ONE; }

  two: i16 = 2; // 6
  instanceSub<T>(a: T, b: T): T { return a - b + <T>Animal.ONE; } // tsc does not allow this

export function staticOne(): i32 {
  return Animal.ONE;

export function staticAdd(a: i32, b: i32): i32 {
  return Animal.add(a, b);

export function instanceTwo(): i32 {
  let animal = new Animal<i32>();
  return animal.two;

export function instanceSub(a: f32, b: f32): f32 {
  let animal = new Animal<f32>();
  return animal.instanceSub<f32>(a, b);

<script type="module">
const log = console.log;
console.log = (...args) => {
  let str = '';
  args.forEach(arg => {
    if (typeof arg == 'object') {
      str += `${JSON.stringify(arg, null, 2)}<br/>`;
    } else {
      str += `${arg}<br/>`;
  document.body.innerHTML += `<div>Log: ${str}</div>`;

const exports = await instantiate(await compile(), { /* imports */ });

console.log(exports.staticAdd(1, 2));
console.log(exports.instanceSub(3.0, 1.0));

# Extending Classes

Extending classes and general Object Orientated Programming (OOP) in AssemblyScript


class BaseClass {
  static staticProp: i32 = 24;
  instanceProp: i32;

  constructor(value: i32) {
    this.instanceProp = value;

  add(a: i32, b: i32): i32 {
    return a + b;

class ExtendedClass extends BaseClass {

  extendedProp: i32;

  constructor(extendedValue: i32) {

    this.extendedProp = extendedValue;

  add(a: i32): i32 {
    return super.add(a, this.extendedProp + super.instanceProp);

export function getStaticProp(): i32 {
  return ExtendedClass.staticProp;

export function overloadAdd(value: i32): i32 {
  let extendedClass = new ExtendedClass(value);
  return extendedClass.add(24);

<script type="module">
const log = console.log;
console.log = (...args) => {
  let str = '';
  args.forEach(arg => {
    if (typeof arg === 'object') {
      str += `${JSON.stringify(arg, null, 2)}<br/>`;
    } else {
      str += `${arg}<br/>`;
  document.body.innerHTML += `<div>Log: ${str}</div>`;

const exports = await instantiate(await compile(), { /* imports */ });

console.log(`getStaticProp: ${exports.getStaticProp()}`);
console.log(`overloadAdd: ${exports.overloadAdd(24)}`);

# Handling Null

Handling Null as a union type for optional return values and simulating try/catch for errors in AssemblyScript

class MyValue {
  value: i32;

  constructor(value: i32) {
    this.value = value;

// Using a class type here, as some types are not nullable
function getMyValue(isAble: boolean): MyValue | null {
  let myValue = new MyValue(24);
  if (isAble) {
    return myValue;
  } else {
    return null;

export function positiveAddWithMyValue(a: i32): i32 {
  let myValue = getMyValue(a > 0);
  if (myValue == null) {
    return -1;
  } else {
    return a + myValue.value;

<script type="module">
const log = console.log;
console.log = (...args) => {
  let str = '';
  args.forEach(arg => {
    if (typeof arg == 'object') {
      str += `${JSON.stringify(arg, null, 2)}<br/>`;
    } else {
      str += `${arg}<br/>`;
  document.body.innerHTML += `<div>Log: ${str}</div>`;

const exports = await instantiate(await compile(), { /* imports */ });

if (exports.positiveAddWithMyValue(24) > -1) {
  console.log("Add was successful")
} else {
  console.log("Could not add 24");

if (exports.positiveAddWithMyValue(-1) > -1) {
  console.log("Add was successful")
} else {
  console.log("Could not add -1");

# Switch Case

Using switch case statements in AssemblyScript.


Currently, the switch conditions (case values) are implicitly converted to u32, i.e. switching over strings or similar is not yet supported.

export function switchSurprise(a: i32): i32 {
  let response = -1;

  // Using a mix of braces and not using braces
  // to show that both syntaxes are supported here.
  switch (a) {
    case 1:
      response = 100;
    case 2: {   // Cases can also use braces
      response = 200;
    case 3:
      // Fall Through to the next case
    case 4:
      response = 400;
    default: {
      response = 0;

  return response;

<script type="module">
const log = console.log;
console.log = (...args) => {
  let str = '';
  args.forEach(arg => {
    if (typeof arg == 'object') {
      str += `${JSON.stringify(arg, null, 2)}<br/>`;
    } else {
      str += `${arg}<br/>`;
  document.body.innerHTML += `<div>Log: ${str}</div>`;

const exports = await instantiate(await compile(), { /* imports */ });

console.log(`switchSurprise(1) : ${exports.switchSurprise(1)}`);
console.log(`switchSurprise(2) : ${exports.switchSurprise(2)}`);
console.log(`switchSurprise(3) : ${exports.switchSurprise(3)}`);
console.log(`switchSurprise(4) : ${exports.switchSurprise(4)}`);
console.log(`switchSurprise(57) : ${exports.switchSurprise(57)}`);

# Ternary if-else

Using Ternary if-else in AssemblyScript

export function isTrue(a: i32): i32 {
  let response = a > 0 ? 1 : 0;
  return response;

<script type="module">
const log = console.log;
console.log = (...args) => {
  let str = '';
  args.forEach(arg => {
    if (typeof arg == 'object') {
      str += `${JSON.stringify(arg, null, 2)}<br/>`;
    } else {
      str += `${arg}<br/>`;
  document.body.innerHTML += `<div>Log: ${str}</div>`;

const exports = await instantiate(await compile(), { /* imports */ });

console.log(`is 24 greater than 0? ${exports.isTrue(24) > 0 ? true : false}`);
console.log(`is -3 greater than 0? ${exports.isTrue(-3) > 0 ? true : false}`);